Hike in salary of judges: Should be at par with top bureaucrats and service-chiefs


It refers to Union Cabinet giving nod for increase in salaries of Chief justices and judges of supreme Court and High Courts with effect from 01.01.2016, making it almost triple the existing salary-structure. It is noteworthy that their salaries have only been revised just three times in last 65 years doubled in 1986, trebled in 1996 and again trebled in 2009 with retrospective effect from 2006.

It is unfair to underpay (or overpay) the judges for pay, pension and perks including after retirement. System of class-distinction between judiciary and bureaucracy (also legislature) should be done away by giving all judges of Supreme Court and High Courts including their Chief Justices salaries equally and equivalent to Union Cabinet Secretary and Service Chiefs. With pension-system for bureaucracy since abolished, it should also be abolished for judges. It is highly unjustified that judges of Supreme Court and some High Courts gifted themselves with life-time domestic help including for their spouses at government-expense. Salaries and post-retirement benefits of judges should be linked with those of bureaucrats to be automatically revised with implementation of recommendations of pay-commission without awaiting legislation by Parliament.

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